I’m waiting in the car for my friend to finish at her appointment, and it’s taking forever. Since I’m alone and there’s no one around, I’m going to fill the time by putting my hand in my panties and playing with my
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We’ve been looking for the perfect house for you and have been coming up with nothing. Today, however, I’m going to show you a new listing that I think will be just perfect for you! The hot tub is particularly nice, and
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You’re at your doctor’s office for your regular check-up, which includes a physical. The doctor wants to be thorough, so they’ve asked for a semen sample. This isn’t the most comfortable environment to produce that kind of sample, so it’s my job
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You show up at your doctor’s office for your regular appointment and find out your doctor has been called away. I’m her replacement, so I’ll be taking care of you today. You’re a bit concerned about the change, though, because you’ve been
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You’re on vacation and decide to stop into a “gentlemen’s club” for some entertainment. After you’ve been enjoying the show for awhile, I stop by and check in on you, to make sure you’re having a good time, since I know you’re
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Tonight I’ve been hired for a very interesting job – an initiation ceremony for a secret society. You explain that we’re being watched, that the new initiates have to complete a very difficult task while they watch you play with me –
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