Today is the first time in a long time we’ve been able to sleep in and relax together. We’re both so busy, and life has been chaotic lately, to say the least. We know we’ve been neglecting the more intimate parts of
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We’re at a Sexual Wellness Resort for the weekend, a silly prize I won by accident at a lifestyle fair, and so far it’s been an interesting experience. The next thing on our schedule is “Couples Therapy,” but it’s not at all
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Tonight is the last night of our honeymoon and I want to make the most of it. Since the night we decided we wanted to try to get pregnant, we’ve been having sex at every available opportunity, and I can’t get enough
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To say things have been a bit hectic lately is an understatement. We have friends and their kids staying with us, so we’ve taken everyone to the beach for a nice day out. During a quiet minute when everyone else is occupied,
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Script By u/UtteredBun TW: Discusses character’s car accident briefly and touches on elements of post-traumatic stress We’ve had a long, difficult few months and we’re now ready to move forward, together. You have a special night planned for us, to recreate the
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