My brother and I live together, which means you and I see a lot of each other, since you’re his best friend. Recently I overheard you tell him that you’re a virgin, which surprised me a little. It also gave me some
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Script: u/ArthurWynne Editing: u/Touchshriek Our quest is almost over, we just have one more demon to slay. And she’s the worst one yet. She’s apparently hideous and makes the bravest people cower in front of her. But we’ve come this far together,
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At the end of a long day, you come home and just want to go to bed. You look really stressed and down, so I go to bed with you, to cuddle, to hold you, to be with you skin-to-skin. Once you’re
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During some playtime the other night, you said three very important words for the first time. We haven’t talked about it since, as you were pretty deeply into our activities when you said it, so I’m not sure if you even meant
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Christmas is right around the corner and I’ve decided what I want for my present this year. I’ve been thinking about it for awhile. And I don’t want to wait anymore. You have no idea what I’m planning, so when I interrupt
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