We work for rival companies and we’re not supposed to be dating, but we’re doing it anyway. We’ve been at this conference all day, and all I can think about is getting my hands on you. So when the opportunity presents itself,
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I’m still trying to figure out why I agreed to work Halloween night when the lights suddenly go out in my lab. I’m more annoyed than anything, until someone grabs me in the dark. At first I’m terrified – for about 30
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Did you think I’d never find out about that video you posted? The one where you came to a video of me in a bikini? Lucky for you, I did find it. And lucky for you, it makes me really fucking hot.
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I’m picking you up at work after what should have been my best date yet with the new guy I’m seeing. Unfortunately, he told me he doesn’t like blowjobs and essentially made a relationship impossible for me. Giving a good blowjob is
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