We’ve been making love for a bit and you’ve given me some spectacular orgasms. When I try to do the same for you, though, you hesitate. You’re having a night of insecurities, feeling unattractive, and you can’t make your mind relax enough
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For awhile now, we’ve been talking about experimenting more in the bedroom, and we’ve tossed around the idea of watching porn together. But neither of us is sure we’ll be comfortable with mainstream options. So I’ve made you something instead. You love
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It’s the weekend and I show up at your place with my bag packed, ready to stay for two whole days. Everything about our connection lately has been rushed, scratching an itch and moving on with our days, but I know you
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The alarm is about to go off and our day is about to start. But neither of us is ready for that. In fact, staying in bed seems like a great idea. Especially when I bring out the massage oil and start
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Our relationship has a Dom/sub dynamic, with me as the Dom and you as the sub. But lately you’ve been hinting that you want to try things the other way around. You want to try being the Dom and have me be
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You come home to find a box with a big red bow on it. It’s a gift, specially chosen for you, and no, it’s not for any occasion. You’ve been wanting to try some things, so I put together a box of
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Lately we’ve both been so busy, we’ve really been disconnected from each other. So I’m taking you away for the weekend. Phones aren’t allowed. We’re going to just be with each other, focus on us and our connection, and let the rest
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At the end of a long day, you come home and just want to go to bed. You look really stressed and down, so I go to bed with you, to cuddle, to hold you, to be with you skin-to-skin. Once you’re
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You’ve just come home from a long day, and you find me in a cute little apron, making dinner, ready to help you relax. I want you to unwind and really let go of your day, so I set you up with
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