We’ve been looking for the perfect house for you and have been coming up with nothing. Today, however, I’m going to show you a new listing that I think will be just perfect for you! The hot tub is particularly nice, and
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Today’s senior project rehearsal was a rough one thanks to some new info about my ex. Because I’ve been your teacher since you started college, you noticed I was off and come to my office to check on me after rehearsal is
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You’ve come over tonight to “hang out,” which usually means having sex. That’s how things have been lately, since we decided to try being “Friends With Benefits.” But you’re not yourself when you get here, and you just want to go home.
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You’re tired and almost asleep when I come in to check on you. I don’t want to interrupt you, but you insist I stay and ask me to lay with you. I’ll never say no to cuddling with you, so I get
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