You had a party last night with your friends and things got a bit out of hand during a rowdy game of “Truth or Dare.” Today, we’re cleaning up the mess. I’m trying to figure out what could have pushed you to take on a dare that involved you trashing your entire apartment like this, because I know you don’t drink that much. When I push the issue, you get a bit shifty on me. It comes out that you refused to answer a question when you chose “truth,” and in return, your lovely friends dared you to call me and ask for a blowjob. Your friends are dipshits so this isn’t surprising and you should have known I would have laughed it off if you’d called me. But there’s more to it than that. The original question had something to do with me, too, didn’t it? Maybe we need our own game of “Truth or Dare” to figure out what the hell is going on here…

All content is created for Adults (18+), and is written and performed by Adults (18+). All acts depicted are erotic roleplay only and are fully consensual.

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