You’ve been listening to me, following me as your online Domme for awhile now, and I know what you do when you listen to my voice. Now you’re going to have the chance to experience the fantasy for yourself. If you do
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Isn’t this hotel room lovely? Particularly the wall-to-wall window along the back of it? Look at all those people down there, going about their lives, having no idea that if they looked up right now, they’d see you, naked, with your cock
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Mutual friends hooked us up on a group date to see a concert, and now we’re waiting for the rest of our friends in the parking lot after the show. The adrenaline is still pumping from seeing such a high-energy performance, we’re
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Yesterday you wore me out during our playtime and now my body is tired and a little bit sore. But you still want to hear me moan and scream, so you wake me up and start to tease me all over again.
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