When you catch me touching myself in my sleep, it turns you on and we can’t leave you unsatisfied, now can we? I’ll take care of that for you, of courseā€¦ while you punish me for touching myself without permission. I’m already
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You show up at my place unexpectedly, and you’re horny. That’s not something you usually come to me about, since we’re just friends, but you’ve decided today it’s different. You have a cream that you want to try, to see if it
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You’ve been helping me train for a half-marathon, a great way to take my mind off my recent break-up. We spend a lot of time together, working out and helping each other recover afterwards. Today’s run was particularly brutal, and my legs
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Yesterday you wore me out during our playtime and now my body is tired and a little bit sore. But you still want to hear me moan and scream, so you wake me up and start to tease me all over again.
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