“When I think about my Dom, I smile. Why do I smile? There are so many reasons. He’s caring, he’s considerate, he’s sweet. He takes control so that I don’t have to think about anything. I can trust him. I can trust
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Our furnace has been giving us trouble for awhile now, and I’m on hold with Customer Service, trying to get another repair person to come out and try to fix it. My frustrations are high and I’m starting to lose my cool
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As my little brother’s best friend, I’ve spent years teasing you and giving you a hard time. You were always shy, always quiet, and I knew you had a crush on me. You were kind of obvious about it. Now we’re at
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After confessing our feelings for each other and deciding we wanted to be together, we went out on our first date and had sex for the first time. And it was awful. Probably the worst sex either of us has ever had.
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Yesterday you wore me out during our playtime and now my body is tired and a little bit sore. But you still want to hear me moan and scream, so you wake me up and start to tease me all over again.
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