Christmas is right around the corner and I’ve decided what I want for my present this year. I’ve been thinking about it for awhile. And I don’t want to wait anymore. You have no idea what I’m planning, so when I interrupt
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What was supposed to be a fun Murder Mystery weekend has taken a dark turn, and now we’re running for our lives. Hiding in a kitchen everyone seems to have forgotten about, we have to figure out our next move. The adrenaline
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We’ve just watched a movie on Netflix that gave us a bit more than we’d bargained for, and it leads to a conversation about the merits of sex toys versus the real thing. You’re firmly in the camp that nothing can replace
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We’re getting ready for bed and I’m waiting for you to fall asleep so I can take care of some of my frustrations without bothering you. You haven’t wanted to be intimate with me in awhile, so I’ll just deal with it
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