I’m waiting in the car for my friend to finish at her appointment, and it’s taking forever. Since I’m alone and there’s no one around, I’m going to fill the time by putting my hand in my panties and playing with my
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We’ve just had dinner with your best friend and his new girlfriend, and, well, she’s very different from his previous girlfriend. She’s very different from our entire friend group, actually. Okay, I can’t sugarcoat it – she’s kind of an airhead. And
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We’re moving across the country after finally being able to buy our first home together, and the drive is a long one. We’re in unfamiliar territory, in the middle of nowhere, when the car breaks down. We can’t get cell signals, it’s
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If I don’t steal this car, me and a bunch of other people don’t get to eat this weekend. Imagine my surprise when the cop who interrupts me is you – the naïve, sheltered guy who used to be my best friend.
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