We’ve been making love for a bit and you’ve given me some spectacular orgasms. When I try to do the same for you, though, you hesitate. You’re having a night of insecurities, feeling unattractive, and you can’t make your mind relax enough
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I’ve been a very good girl lately and tonight you’re going to reward me for my behaviour. You’ve created a warm and comfy space for us in our bed, you’ve put on some beautiful music, and you’re ready to pamper me, to
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When we first met and started getting to know each other, we realized that certain parts of our personalities complimented each other really well, so we started dating. We took it slow, to see if we’re compatible in other ways as well,
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You’ve texted me that you needed me for something, so here I am. It turns out your girlfriend broke up with you because you weren’t “sexually adventurous” enough. Once we decided I didn’t need to kick her ass (though she deserves it),
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