You’re at your doctor’s office for your regular check-up, which includes a physical. The doctor wants to be thorough, so they’ve asked for a semen sample. This isn’t the most comfortable environment to produce that kind of sample, so it’s my job
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Since our population growth is so important now, procreation is handled in a very specific way, to ensure maximum effect. You and I are both part of the breeding program, and we’ve been matched together to attempt impregnation. Normally this involves the
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You show up at your doctor’s office for your regular appointment and find out your doctor has been called away. I’m her replacement, so I’ll be taking care of you today. You’re a bit concerned about the change, though, because you’ve been
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You’re back at the clinic to make another donation, and you’re struggling again. When I walk in this time, though, you’re sitting there with your cock out, looking at me expectantly. You clearly want my help, since I did such a good
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Donating cum can be such a nerve-wracking thing to do, as you’re discovering today. You’re stuck in your head about it and ask me to come in and give you a pep talk. That’s what best friends are for, right? Lucky for
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