Your girlfriend loves fucking you. She’s obsessed with your large cock and never lets you forget it. Her best friend has never had good sex before, and she’s always had a bit of a crush on you. To help her friend out,
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You’ve been helping me train for a half-marathon, a great way to take my mind off my recent break-up. We spend a lot of time together, working out and helping each other recover afterwards. Today’s run was particularly brutal, and my legs
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We’re getting ready to go to your family’s holiday dinner and you’re having some stress about it. These types of gatherings are overwhelming for you, especially at this time of year. You’re getting out of the shower and I notice you’re struggling
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Our exes are horrible people and we’re lucky to be rid of them. Yours has a big mouth and keeps nothing private, while mine is selfish in bed and only cares about his own needs. Over the course of my friendship with
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