We’ve just had dinner with your best friend and his new girlfriend, and, well, she’s very different from his previous girlfriend. She’s very different from our entire friend group, actually. Okay, I can’t sugarcoat it – she’s kind of an airhead. And that’s not his usual type. As we talk about it, the idea that maybe she’s good in bed comes up and you seem to like the idea of a girl whose sole purpose is to please your cock. At least, as a fantasy. A girl who will worship you, and who has only one thing in her head – your cock, when it’s in her mouth. In fact, you seem quite interested in this idea. And the more we talk about it, the more interesting it sounds to me, too…

All content is created for Adults (18+), and is written and performed by Adults (18+). All acts depicted are erotic roleplay only and are fully consensual.

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