It’s summer term and we’ve both decided to take some classes to fast track our graduation. Our unconventional study methods have been working wonders for us, and we’ll continue them as long as we’re both single and able to do so. When I mention that my grades will really suffer when you get a girlfriend, you don’t seem to like the idea very much. But it’s going to happen at some point, right? And I’ll find a boyfriend who hopefully won’t be freaked out by being with a virgin. That thought hadn’t occurred to me before this conversation, but it could be an actual issue, couldn’t it? My virginity being an issue? I start to get a bit panicked, and I can see only one way to fix the problem. I ask you to be my first, right here, right now. You’ve been my first for everything else, and I trust you, so this just seems like a natural next step, doesn’t it? What I don’t realize is that you might want to be my first for a completely different reason…

All content is created for Adults (18+), and is written and performed by Adults (18+). All acts depicted are erotic roleplay only and are fully consensual.

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