You wake up in a small room, on a cot, not sure where you are or what’s happening. I’m just getting ready to set up my machine and I fill you in – my species is experimenting with human genetics and we need to extract your seed for our research. The machine I’m going to connect to you will help with the extraction. You ask if there’s another way you can give me what I need, and since I’ve always been curious about human male arousal, I agree. My body is different than a human female in a few key ways, and I think you’ll enjoy what it can do to you. My tongue, in particular, is very nice. I’m not against doing a little side research of my own to get what I need from you. But by the time I’m done with you, you may wish you’d opted for the machine…

All content is created for Adults (18+), and is written and performed by Adults (18+). All acts depicted are erotic roleplay only and are fully consensual.

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