You’re on vacation, nursing a broken heart after ending a recent relationship. To pass the time, you’ve been taking my tours quite a bit, seeing various parts of the city, showing up day after day. This morning, however, you’re the only guest on the tour, so I take you somewhere special. I take you to a huge old inn, right in the centre of the city. This isn’t part of the tour, but I know the owner and it’s just too good to miss. The inn used to be a home, and the owner was a bit peculiar, so the place has a quality to it that I think you’ll like. You agree it’s beautiful, especially when I show you the honeymoon suite/master bedroom. One thing leads to another and you kiss me. I think we both expected that would happen after the way this week has been going. But I don’t think you expected any of what happens next…

All content is created for Adults (18+), and is written and performed by Adults (18+). All acts depicted are erotic roleplay only and are fully consensual.

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