We have a big math exam coming up and you’re tutoring me, like you have so many times before. This is the stuff that makes me feel really stupid, which isn’t a feeling I’m used to, and I get frustrated. Since you’ve been my tutor for awhile now, you know there’s one sure-fire way to relax me and move the session forward – and it involves your mouth between my legs. As you eagerly dive into the task at hand, it occurs to me that you’ve never asked me to return the favour. You tell me it’s because you don’t want to make me uncomfortable, especially since you know I’m inexperienced. You’re happy just to give. I already knew how amazing you are in general, but this is unexpected. And it really makes me want to learn how to reciprocate…

All content is created for Adults (18+), and is written and performed by Adults (18+). All acts depicted are erotic roleplay only and are fully consensual.

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One Thought to “Reciprocation”

  1. David

    There is no try only do or do not.

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